How to Recover from Identity Theft
Identity theft is rampant, and Texans are among the hardest hit. Many people think they have to pay a lawyer to help them recover.
As it turns out, most people can take charge of their own recovery successfully without spending thousands of dollars on attorneys’ fees. For 10 years, Attorney Paula Pierce has guided people affected by identity theft through the recovery process step-by-step, as well as in court.
Join us as she discusses many of the steps we can all take to prevent and recover from identity theft.
About our speaker
Paula Pierce has been practicing law for 30 years. She received her bachelor’s degree, cum laude, from Trinity University in San Antonio and law degree, summa cum laude, from South Texas College of Law in Houston.
In 2005, she had the unique opportunity to work with people who were plagued by a crime that had received little attention: identity theft. At that time, there were few resources available to identity theft victims and few lawyers with experience helping them. As the managing attorney for TLSC’s identity theft project, she learned about the federal and state laws that can be used by victims to recover from the crime and helped develop a victim’s toolkit. She has also represented identity theft victims in court. Several times, she was the first lawyer to appear in a court on behalf of an identity theft victim. This work gave her an inside look at the challenge cyber-crime poses for businesses.
6:50am - Coffee & Networking
7:10am - Breakfast Buffet
7:25am - Introductions & Announcements
7:50am - Speaker Introduction
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