Beyond Beto: What You'll See on a Long November Ballot

There's more than high-profile Senate races on the November ballot. In fact, local initiatives will have an equally important impact. So what's on the ballot this year? Join us for an important election preview with Austin City Council Member Jimmy Flannigan. He'll talk about what you need to know about, including bonds, charter amendments and ballot petitions.
About our Speaker
Austin City Council Member Jimmy Flannigan was sworn in to serve the people of Austin City Council District 6 on January 6, 2017. As a small business owner and community advocate, he brings over a decade of experience in service and leadership to his northwest constituents and the council dais.
He first moved to Austin to attend the University of Texas, where he launched his small business, Site Street, building websites for student organizations. His experiences as a small business owner led him to a lifetime of advocacy. He expanded his civic interests to work on traffic solutions, pedestrian safety, and raising the level of civic engagement in Northwest Austin. He has served as president of the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and regional chair of the national organization, as member of the Austin Chamber’s Transportation Committee, and as co-founder and lead organizer of the Northwest Austin Coalition which launched the successful Anderson Mill Road Corridor Study, resulting in funding to fix the highly congested road.
As an elected official, he reaffirms his commitment to results over ideology and partisan politics. He currently serves on the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board (CAMPO), Economic Development District Board, and Area Council of Governments Clean Air Coalition Subcommittee, as well as Vice Chair of the Austin Mobility Committee, among other appointments.
6:50am - Coffee & Networking
7:10am - Breakfast Buffet
7:25am - Introductions & Announcements
7:50am - Speaker Introduction
8:20am - Q&A
8:30am - Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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