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Scott Hinson, Pecan Street

  • June 24, 2020
  • 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
  • Zoom


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Connecting Electricity to Water to Climate Change

Electricity is ubiquitous.  You flip a switch, turn a dial or press a knob and you expect the light to go on, your house to be cooled and you oven to heat up.  We take it for granted.  And yet electricity is a limited commodity, like water.  And the two are intimately entwined.  So how we use electricity, abuse it or conserve it is a matter for concern.

 At least is is for Scott Hinson, Chief Technology Officer at the Pecan Street Project.  Pecan Street is a unique operation.  Their mission is to identify how people use electricity, how that is connected to water and how the two relate to climate change.  It is a daunting mission.

Scott has been engaged in this process of several years and has addressed this group before.  So, please welcome an encore presentation from Scott.

About our speaker:

Scott leads activities and electrical research at the Pecan Street Lab. He worked at a thin film CIGS solar module manufacturer where he led module packaging, performance, certification and reliability efforts.

Prior efforts include work in the military, medical, consumer and oil industries developing power supplies, precision measurement equipment and inductive heating technologies. Scott received his B.S.E.E. from The University of Texas at Austin with undergraduate specializations in both communications systems and power distribution.

Scott was awarded the 2015 Outstanding Engineering Award for “transforming the world’s understanding of consumer and community electricity usage” by the the IEEE Power Engineering Society Central Texas Chapter. He is also a contributing author to Transmission & Distribution World Magazine.

We are currently meeting via Zoom!

Our Zoom Meeting fees to cover our admin costs during this time are $5 for members and $10 for visitors. 

When you register, you will be emailed the Zoom login info (which is different for each meeting) and can use your computer, tablet or phone to access. 

You are able to call in without video, but the best way to use Zoom, is to have your camera on and show your face. It will give you the greatest sense of connection and you'll have the best experience with it this way.


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