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Stacey Chang, Design Institute for Health, UT Austin

  • November 10, 2021
  • 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
  • UT Club, 2108 Robert Dedman Dr, Austin TX 78712


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Designing the New Normal

This pandemic has undoubtedly reshaped health and healthcare.  There will be no returning to the old normal, and what lies ahead may only ever be considered abnormal.  How then should we orient ourselves, what should we focus on, and how do we go about it?  This will be a discussion of the human truths that the pandemic has revealed, and what our health systems might need to consider as they chart a path forward.

About our speaker:

Stacey Chang is a designer, an unintentional academic, and an unapologetic ringleader for new creative solutions to age-old dilemmas in health.  Until 2014, Stacey was the Managing Director of the Healthcare practice at IDEO, the global design and innovation firm. He left to found the Design Institute for Health at the University of Texas at Austin, a first-of-its-kind institution, dedicated to applying design approaches to solving systemic health care challenges as an integrated part of an operating health system and a medical education and training program. As Executive Director of the Design Institute, he considers topics as broad as the design of health services and tools, the built environment, new care models, and the structure and functionality of the health ecosystem itself. Stacey has served as a TEDMED Editorial Advisory Board member, and a Thought Leader for NEJM Catalyst. He holds degrees in engineering from MIT and Stanford.


6:50am - Coffee & Networking 

7:10am - Breakfast Buffet

7:25am - Introductions & Announcements

7:50am - Speaker Introduction

8:20am - Q&A

8:30am - Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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